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What is a Diocesan Priest

The priest that serves your parish in many instances is a diocesan priest. He may also be involved in other ministries as well: he may serve on a campus, as a hospital chaplain, a teacher, be an administrator or even be coordinator of special events within the diocese.
The diocesan priests were called to serve people by God, accomplishing the mission for the Church through the celebration of the Eucharist, the liturgy and other sacramental commemorations. They make no vows, however, during ordination, they freely make promises of celibacy and obedience to their bishop.
The order of the priesthood is recognized as the highest of the Major Orders according to the traditional Catholic Rite of Holy Orders.

Then he took the bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them, saying “This is my body, which will be given for you; do this in memory of me.” And likewise the cup after they had eaten, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which will be shed for you.” Luke 22: 19-20

My New Journey

For those following my blog i want to thank you all and in particular “cypress, texas” who seems to visit the blog daily – i would love to know who you are and would appreciate it if you could maybe leave me a comment !!!!

Anyway, today im marking a major change as i have decided to convert from being a methodist to a catholic and i am officially starting my classes this thursday to be confirmed as a catholic. My reasons for this is based on doctrines and theological issues with which i agree and feel comfortable with and believe it is where God wants me to be.

I had a long discussion (again) with a priest yesterday and as a convert to catholocism i will have full access within the catholic church to pursue all avenues and i am no way excluded from anything – as a convert i can even pursue the priesthood irrespective of my past if that is where my vocation lies – i will be starting classes this thursday in order to get confirmed as a catholic and as far as my involvement to do more within the church goes my priest has offered me additional guidance (mentor) if i can call it that as to determine where my vocation lies. (I know i must preach)

I also want to take this opportunity to thank a lady by the name of Michela (i hope you read this) for all the assistance and help that you gave me with various reading material etc etc and for that first appointment at the Catholic Church in Rosebank – i really appreciate it – it means a lot to me. May God bless you in many ways.
So my journey and new chapter for Jesus has started – as my blog title says “john’s stuff for Jesus” well this is for Jesus so to my family and friends all i ask of you is for your support for what lies ahead – im doing this because IT IS WHAT GOD WANTS ME TO DO
